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Ihre Spenden fließen zu 100 % in die Projekte.
Sämtliche Verwaltungskosten und sonstige Kosten werden durch hierfür bestimmte zusätzliche Spenden von Vereinsmitgliedern oder Förderern des Freundeskreises Nepal e.V. finanziert.

About us

The warm-hearted friendliness of the people and an unimaginable material poverty were Claudia Salamon's deepest impressions, when she first came to Nepal in 2002.

Things that we take for granted, such as learning to read and write, are denied to many Nepalese children. School buildings are in a very bad state, there is no learning material at all or the families are often not able to buy such simple things as exercise books and pencils.

This experience was Claudia Salamon's initial motivation which inspired her to ask her colleagues, friends and other people for help.

From these small beginnings, the school partnership between the Bright Future School in Kathmandu and the Kardinal-van-Galen School in Muenster very soon developed.

Further initiatives have been developed, among them sponsorships for many children, the renovation of the village school in Karthali and the support of a community of migrant workers on the outskirts of Kathmandu.

We help people to help themselves.

In this sense, it is our personal relationships - with the people we support by our work and with those who support our involvement in Nepal - which guarantee that the funds and donations will bear fruit.

At the end of 2007 we founded the association "Freundeskreis Nepal e.V." in order to be able to better support the described projects. Meanwhile the association has been accredited as a charitable non-profit-organisation.


For further information please see:

  Über uns Freundeskreis Nepal eV

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