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Ihre Spenden fließen zu 100 % in die Projekte.
Sämtliche Verwaltungskosten und sonstige Kosten werden durch hierfür bestimmte zusätzliche Spenden von Vereinsmitgliedern oder Förderern des Freundeskreises Nepal e.V. finanziert.

Smoke-Free Clay Ovens

Smoke-Free Clay Ovens

Traditionally people in Nepal cook on open fire places. This seems to be idyllic - but it is dangerous.
• The only outlet for the smoke is the roof.
• Inhalation of the smoke causes chronic bronchitis.
• People suffer from chronic vascular diseases - as do chain-smokers.

Smoke-Free Clay Ovens

The Bright Future School

Bright Future School 200

The Bright Future School
- is located in Naikap, on the outskirts of Kathmandu.
- was founded in 1987 by some socially dedicated citizens
- is a local, privately organised, non-profit school
- numbering approx. 1,100 pupils and students

The Bright Future School

The School in Karthali

Karthali 200

Karthali is a village lying approx. 80 km north-east of Kathmandu. The region is very poor and people are still suffering from the aftermaths of the war with the Chinese Maoists.
At the beginning of 2006, the school in Karthali, was in very bad condition. The roof leaked, the roof beams were rotten, the walls were clammy. There were no desks, benches nor chairs, no window panes. Bare-footed children sat on the cold floor

The School in Karthali

Women’s School in Naikap

School for women

Since 2008 we have been supporting the Women's School in Naikap by providing teaching material and the purchasing of simple school furniture.
The Women's School is an alphabetisation and education project for adult women.

Meanwhile the school has four classes teaching in total 80 women.
The women receive instruction in Nepali, English, mathematics and social studies.


Women’s School in Naikap



Fosterparenting: We sponsor, or act as agents for sponsorships for children from very poor families, for orphans and half-orphans in Kathmandu and Karthali.

At present (Feb.2012) we are supporting approx. 200 foster children. Most of them (?) are attending Bright Future School, some attend other local schools and 30 children attend the Nepal Rastya School in Karthali.



Medical Care

Medical Care

The main objective of our doctors' team is the promotion of a basic medical care.

This comprises the following:
- joint consulting hours together with the medical staff in Nepal during our visits
- the financing of monthly consulting hours in Karthali and
- emergency treatment.


Medical Care
