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Ihre Spenden fließen zu 100 % in die Projekte.
Sämtliche Verwaltungskosten und sonstige Kosten werden durch hierfür bestimmte zusätzliche Spenden von Vereinsmitgliedern oder Förderern des Freundeskreises Nepal e.V. finanziert.

Smoke-Free Clay Ovens

Traditionally people in Nepal cook on open fire places. This seems to be idyllic - but it is dangerous.
•The only outlet for the smoke is the roof.
•Inhalation of the smoke causes chronic bronchitis.
•People suffer from chronic vascular diseases - as do chain-smokers.
•Irritations of the eyes lead to chronic inflammations.
•High risk of accident particularly for babies / toddlers - often children suffer from burns on hands and feet.
•Smoke-free ovens may produce relief.
•Smoke-free ovens can be made and installed out of simple materials that are available on site.
•House owners and housewives are included in the production and installation process.
•Experienced oven setters set up the oven and give instruction for the operation.
•There are eight regional training centres in Nepal for the education of oven setters, who can apply their craft in the whole of Nepal.

The Advantages are Clear:
•Less effects of smoke for the people.
•Significantly less danger of burning
•Healthy families.
•Clean homes.
•Reduced wood consumption.

The First Steps
•Invite the village people and inform them.
In many villages the Womens' Committees are the most interested contact persons.

Required Material
Available material (provided by the families):
•Clay soil
•Rice corn shells
•Cow dung

Materials to Buy (by the oven setter):

•Iron rods for stabilisation
•Stovepipes made in the pottery
•Exhaust pipes
•Chimney top tee-piece from the pottery

•In most cases skilful young men are trained to be oven setters.
•The trainees must be able to read and transmit measures.
•They must also be ready for travelling around.
•There are 8 regional / local training centres.
•The training course takes 14days.
•Work permits for the whole of Nepal.

Costs for One Clay Oven
•Material for oven stones is at hand:
•Iron rods 2,75 Euro
•Outlet and cap 2,00 Euro
•Wages 4,25 Euro
•Total 9,00 Euro

Currently there are two young men in Karthali who would like to make the training. Freundeskreis Nepal will assume the costs for their training.


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