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Ihre Spenden fließen zu 100 % in die Projekte.
Sämtliche Verwaltungskosten und sonstige Kosten werden durch hierfür bestimmte zusätzliche Spenden von Vereinsmitgliedern oder Förderern des Freundeskreises Nepal e.V. finanziert.
The Bright Future School
The Bright Future School
- is located in Naikap, on the outskirts of Kathmandu.
- was founded in 1987 by some socially dedicated citizens
- is a local, privately organised, non-profit school
- numbering approx. 1,100 pupils and students
- of which more than 200 children come from families in need, orphans and half-orphans, who are being supported by scholarships
- is financed mainly be school fees and minor financial support by the government
- pays the same teacher's salaries as public schools (80 to 140 € per month)
Secondary School
Secondary School with 12 classes
2 Kindergarten classes
Class 1 - 5: Primary School
Class 6-8: Secondary School I
Class 9-10: Secondary School II
Graduation/ Certificate: university-entrance certificate
Success Story
The Bright Future School has become one of the best schools in the whole of Nepal.
All students to date have passed the state exams with good or very good results respectively.
All school leavers have been accepted to university studies, professional education or have found a job.
The Current Situation
The school is located on a very busy road which is currently being widened.
Due to this construction work, a large part of the building will be lost.
The school building is rented and the rental company will not provide another building.
In order to maintain the operation of the school it is an absolute necessity to construct a new school building.
What has been done up till now?
German architects have checked the detailed construction plans for the new school building and they have confirmed their feasibility.
The school bought a building plot away from the main road. The purchase, as well as a large part of the construction work, have been financed by bank credits. These loans were secured by the teachers themselves, who took out mortgages on their own private homes.
In the summer of 2009 construction work was started. Since the beginning of the year 2012 the basic shell construction has been completed.
Urgent Need for Action:
Urgent action is needed with respect to the financing of the further construction as well as equipment for the school building.
Freundeskreis Nepal e.V.
For some years now Freundeskreis Nepal e.V. has been supporting Bright Future School, mainly through school partnerships and numerous fosterships for children in need.
Freundeskreis Nepal e.V. is committed to raise further funds through donations for the financing of the new school building.
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