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Ihre Spenden fließen zu 100 % in die Projekte.
Sämtliche Verwaltungskosten und sonstige Kosten werden durch hierfür bestimmte zusätzliche Spenden von Vereinsmitgliedern oder Förderern des Freundeskreises Nepal e.V. finanziert.


Fosterparenting for Children - Making Learning Possible
Fosterparenting: We sponsor, or act as agents for sponsorships for children from very poor families, for orphans and half-orphans in Kathmandu and Karthali.

At present (Feb.2012) we are supporting approx. 200 foster children. Most of them (?) are attending Bright Future School, some attend other local schools and 30 children attend the Nepal Rastya School in Karthali.

We take special care to maintain personal contacts with all children. We visit their families in their homes, talk to their teachers, the women's committee, the mayor and the local shamans.

A sponsorship / fosterparenthood for one child amounts to 240 € per year. From this amount the school receives 120 € as school fee. The remaining 120 € are paid to the parents in 4 instalments as support for the family.

A sponsorship for Karthali costs 120 €. From this amount the school receives a school fee of 20 € and the family 100 € in 4 instalments.

If you are interested in a sponsorship and want to learn more about it, please contact us via E-Mail or by mail to the address below. We would be very happy to hear from you!

Freundeskreis Nepal e.V., Lotharinger Str.21, D-48147 Münster, Germany




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