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Ihre Spenden fließen zu 100 % in die Projekte.
Sämtliche Verwaltungskosten und sonstige Kosten werden durch hierfür bestimmte zusätzliche Spenden von Vereinsmitgliedern oder Förderern des Freundeskreises Nepal e.V. finanziert.

The School in Karthali

Karthali is a village lying approx. 80 km north-east of Kathmandu. The region is very poor and people are still suffering from the aftermaths of the war with the Chinese Maoists.
At the beginning of 2006, the school in Karthali, was in very bad condition. The roof leaked, the roof beams were rotten, the walls were clammy. There were no desks, benches nor chairs, no window panes. Bare-footed children sat on the cold floor.

In the meantime many things have been done: the building has been renovated, desks and chairs have been made, toilets and showers have been constructed and we have started to install a waste water system.

A financial deposit has helped ensure that the government will take over a part of the teachers' salaries during the set up period for the secondary school.

In 2008 the donation by a partner school in Muenster made it possible to buy a further plot for the extension of the school. The new two-storey building with its 4 class rooms was set up in only one year by the village people and since summer 2009 the rooms are being used for teaching and learning.

We would like to further secure the existence of the Karthali village school and also support the village people by special measures: for example by financing a medical service, by sponsorships for needy children and by pushing the "oven project."

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